Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Please don't fuck this up

This is the sweet print Jean got me for Christmas. While how cool of a piece of art this is is inarguable, the comparisons of Barry to Abe are I think misleading expectations for many (mostly those who think he can do no wrong). That said, he's the reason why I don't have to half-jokingly consider pinning a Canadian flag to my Maiden Voyage pack next week. We'll see how accurate this continental man-crush is in Europe, as it's the best international public opinion there's been for 7 years - when some other president royally screwed over the opportunity.

It's a weird feeling to be proud to be American again, and at least temporarily proud of our system. 36 hours in, and all good.


  1. we couldn't have timed our europe trip more perfect. yay obama!

  2. My Mergers and Acquisitions Prof served as "Co-editor" of Harvard Law Review with the Pres. After class on Tuesday we had Champagne and Pizza. Stay Classy Chapman.

    Ironically look at the topic of our Law Review Symposium "Lincoln's Constitutionalism in Time of War: Lessons for the Current War on Terror?" I am forcing Karly to go, she has to do our spousal duty,

  3. This picture still gives me the creeps. cool and creepy.
