Monday, May 4, 2009

V for Very freaking Obvious

V for Vendetta is a pretty decent film, and not just because I have some weird fascination with the 1812 Overture or that there's definitely uglier people to look at for two hours than Natalie Portman. Of course, there's elements of silliness and hyperbole to drive the message home, but even then, I've found numerous people who missed the point of the story entirely and just found it to be some entertaining, weird new take on Zorro. That's fine, and I absolutely don't want to be one of those people. "Oh I'm sorry - so... you didn't see it as a reflective essay on our current administration and an ominous warning for social action? Ah... I see... We were watching the same movie, right?"

Ok, so I am one of those people, but I look in the mirror and hate myself for it.

Good old Condi Rice was at Stanford recently and a student asked her about the torture topic that has been across the news lately, namely about its representation of hypocrisy to the world and its use in Guantanamo. Giving her charming, contorted bullshit smile (which has to be the same face she uses when it's coming out the other end. seriously, look for it.), she replied with the zinger "well first of all, you have to do what's right." She seemed to wait a split second for the laugh track, or maybe it was just me. She was just getting loose though, before giving her best Nixon (sans her Frank Langella impression, unfortunately) saying that if the president authorized it, then it wasn't illegal. She was serious, apparently. She didn't even bat an eye, which is astonishing. Or maybe not. What is absolutely astonishing is that this hasn't been all over the news itself. Drudgereport? Nah. Maybe we're already becoming relatively numb to the closing of this society. Or maybe I just threw that in to come full circle to my V for Vendetta analogy? Nah.

Frost/Nixon moment around 6:00

It remains to be seen if Barry will try to bring anyone to account over this, if it's even possible, but he's off to a start. Recently, he dropped the Churchill bomb (pun intended. too soon?)as a reinstating of the lines from where we are now to where we've been for 8 years.

I'm not crazy enough to think that Americans are better because, well, we're Americans gosh darn you betch'ur Jesus. I just think I, like most people, hold ourselves to a high standard. Higher than we've been, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Wait a minute. You mean there are people who didnt respond to the 2x4 smacking them between the eyes? Good god, the top cop in the movie even LOOKED a bit like ascroft, and the 'voice of england'...even had the limbaugh's tademark smoking penis in his mouth...
    well, not to worry,those that failed this message arent really anyone you'd want to be talking to anyway...nor are they the ones reading this blog - afterall, they likely can't read.
