Friday, April 3, 2009

Vague Omen

Walking to my car today, a mouse fell from the sky and landed on the sidewalk in front of me. It hemorrhaged and twitched around - probly because you dont fall from the sky onto the sidewalk without shattering every bone in your body, I don't care if you are a tiny rodent.

As I imagine it would with most people, I immediately believed that this had to mean something. Or at least supposed to mean something. Mice don't fall in front of you out of nowhere just because "it's what they do". Don't the Chinese have some saying about this? Nevermind, it's probably something about the white devil curse. Somewhere, that Chinese lady that accosted me on the sidewalk months ago and threatened to poison my food in the conquest to wipe out white people probably dropped something in front of the voodoo doll she made of me in her dark, dank Chinatown apartment.

It didn't help that a man that was either homeless or crazy (is there a difference at 6th/mission?) started talking mid-sentence from the shadows behind me, recapping what just happened in an ominous, breathy voice. "- just fell from up there... wooooeeee.... thing just ran right off the top of the building.. never seen that before.." He tried to crane his neck the ten floors up to the top of the building but whether it was Lupus or just laziness, he only managed a glance about two floors high. "Woooee.. damn near hit that lady in the head in front of you.."

He started in to this creepy pirate laugh that turned into a throat-clearing hack. I walked away, the mouse still twitching and squirming on the pavement.

1 comment:

  1. You could at least have had the decency to bludgeon it with a rock 30 or 50 times until it was dead, like Ryan would have done.
