Monday, August 3, 2009

Behold, Centurion

Picked this little beauty up over the weekend. Yep, she's all mine. Some 23 odd years young and never owned. I've wanted a road bike for a while, and I've missed getting out on the long rides I used to do every weekend. This day had been a while in the making. As I got ready for her maiden ride, did a couple quick toe touches and looked in the mirror, all I could think of was how much of enormous dork I look like in a bike helmet.

Whatever - nothing cooler than safety, right? Giving a quick knock on the ol' helmet to check for cracks and rolling up my right pant leg to look like an official SF biker prick, I hopped on and headed around town on my new two wheels of radness and began pedaling around tourists and city buses with the grace and prowess suggestive of lance armstrong.

It's dicey as hell on a bike around here. Mostly because when it comes to concepts of inertia, direction, walking, common sense and eyesight, the average person leaves a lot to be desired.

Then there was the kid who fell behind his fanny pack-toting family to gaze at my new machine. I was stopped at a red light and assumed a badass pose by the curb so he could get the full effect. Probably a half-dozen double takes by the kid as he stared at my bike and the coolest dude ever riding it. Right before he walked directly into a bus stop pole.


  1. The top of Nob Hill awaits your ascent

  2. i'm serious travers. even if you're going to walgreens - HELMET!

  3. ha i just re-read this...'PROWESS' :D
