Monday, March 9, 2009

An hour a day my ass

I've been reading Outliers recently and- well actually, I started it a couple of months ago and took a sabbatical before now coming back to it - so it goes with my book-reading strategy. I actually can't remember ever reading a book all the way through, but that's counting the obnoxious prefaces, introductions and about the author's that every book is intent on including. When you get to the meat of the book- why you bought the book in the first place- my percentage of completion skyrockets to scholarly levels.

Anyway, Outliers is a pretty interesting book, mostly attempting to explain why people born in certain geographical areas, during certain periods of time or with birthdays in certain periods of the year, are more likely than others to be successful in different capacities (i.e. as a hockey player, businessman, tycoon). The tycoon ship has sailed, apparently. Damnit.

One of the most interesting claims has been that in general and for the most part, anyone of us with an IQ above legally retarded is capable of becoming a Tiger Woods, Miles Davis, or the Japanese kid who eats all those hot dogs. All it takes is 10,000 hours of practice. Obviously, occasionally someone is born with some freak ability, but for the most part, if anyone put a serious and driven 10,000 hours into anything, they could be one of the unquestioned best in the world. Part of it is sort of a "no shit" because who the hell has 10,000 hours to nance around with trying to absolutely master a new talent? Still, it's somehow encouraging that if I really wanted to, I could out-nerd Bill Gates or turn on a Tim Lincecum fastball. Actually, I could now if i really wanted to, but I don't.


  1. is this the whole premise of the book or just this chapter? otherwise, what an obnoxious book. what an obnoxious thing to say to people, hey, if you put in 10,000 hours you could be the best at this or that. who in the world has that kind of time and why would you want to spend all your time on one thing to become one-dimensional. i'm annoyed. can you tell?

  2. really, achievment is highly overrated. so is spelling

  3. wally? are you catch the wind? i miss your face!

  4. PLEASE say the supermodel ship hasn't sailed?? Please, not when i'm at 9,849 hours!!?

  5. Got it from y'all. Interesting, but yah, I don't really find that fact to be SO enlightening. I mean, 10,000 cussing hours? Of course I'd be an expert.

    I keep wondering if he'll address the correlation/causation argument. I mean, if someone is naturally inclined toward something, they would easily commit their existence to it. What about for those that aren't really inclined toward anything specific?

    I think that this works for children, but I'm guessing that if you're 21 and you haven't completed (or gotten close to completing) your 10k hours, then your cussed. I mean seriously: Could you become an expert at something through this method as an adult?
