Friday, March 27, 2009

morning observations

- "At least it's Friday, am I right?" count before 9 am: 6. It actually carries some weight today though because if you didnt have the fact that it's at least Friday, many people would only have "At least you used to have a job here as of yesterday."

- I noticed my hair flopping while running for the first time yesterday. It was mostly the tuff in the back that rears the most violent cowlicks, but still, it's a major development. No guarantees past this point...

- Yesterday when I got home, I saw a woman coming out of my apartment building through the door that locks from the outside and shuts by itself. She was wearing reflective shades and bright turquoise running pants. We exchanged obviously phony smiles right before she pulled the door shut behind her, being sure that the door was latched before she left it unattended. She even stopped her stride and leaned back on her leg to make sure it was shut. This was one of those times where I considered forgetting my own convenience to prove a point - like pretending I didn't have keys and following her down to the street to walk in the practically same entrance that doesn't have any door. Probably even give her a weird look like I was following her at first, before bolting into the building. But I just used my keys.


  1. you didn't mention you got an awesome haircut last night a la moi!

  2. let me guess - a bit hungover friday morning?
    as i told jeaniepants - mcdonalds cheeseburger, small fries and a chocolate shake - a whole new take on the day...whether it's friday or not
