Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March Day

To add to an all around shitty [sorry mom] day, i just realized that i forgot to recognize march day. granted, we're a solid three-plus weeks into march, but February should not pass without celebrating its passing. what a preposterous month. what possible good does the month of February serve to anyone outside of, of course, my mom's birthday. hallmark basically bought the rights to 1/12 of our year and rents it out for one day to more than pay for the mortgage. on top of that, it's generally cold, windy, cloudy. normally i'm into brisk weather and a good dousing, but in february? come on. we've had a good several months to get that out of our system by then. where's the bbq and baseball? 28 days? what kind of a joke is 28 days? we should
start the year January, March, April, with a few weeks of limbo bogarting onto the end of january where people drink, heat the grill and hit the pool to help force the issue that winter is freaking over, shrinkage be damned.
some (non)interesting facts about month #2:
- Anglo-Saxons used to call it Solmonath, the "mud month". wow, nice.
- they sometimes switched it up with Kale-monath, "month of the cabbage".

What a wonderful time of year.

- presidents' day used to be president's day, as in one for abe and one for george. this meant two days off from school. somewhere around 7th grade they decided they'd move one of the holidays to a more deserving month and consolidated to the ambiguous nod to national leaders that we have today

Let's celebrate my half-birthday instead, yes?

This is why several years ago a few friends and i decided to commemorate the end of this lame 28 day nuisance by a hearty dinner and night on the town on feb 28th (27th on leap years). it evolved into march day, which i have more or less ceremoniously marked since. it might be because im in an all-inclusive sour mood today and think that march 24 should join the month of february in the annals of contemptible periods of the past, but ill have a glass of wine tonight and be grateful that it could be worse.

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