Monday, February 23, 2009

"I thought you were tall"

I ignored two people this morning. Plain and simple, eye contact made, no question about it, ignored them. The guy had it coming to him for a while. The woman I'd never really seen before and I guess I feel a tinge of guilt, but it is almost instantly replaced with a self-gratifying pat of my back for putting my foot down.

He looks like a mouse who really likes plaid shirts. The shirts are to distract from his sunken eyes. And his comb over is to distract from the shirts. He manages some near-meaningless tracking system that tracks near-meaningless figures and numbers for absolutely worthless reports. Or something like that. Apparently, the tracking system notates everyone by their first initial and last name, and Mousy decides it's clever to constantly refer to me by my tracking moniker "t-korch". But not just that: he says it like he just got back from the dentist and they left half the cotton balls in his mouth- all abbreviated and halting. Dry, cottony. Shit, it's annoying. He tries to pull this on me today for the 86th time (with the same smirk, as if he's graciously fulfilling part of my daily routine) and I just look at him and keep walking. Not so much as an eyebrow raise. I'm not that much of an ass, I don't think. If he reverted to "hey", "hi", or "monday again, am i right?", I'd fake the courtesies. But enough is enough. And drink some water, cotton mouth.

The woman was wide enough to plug the hallway. And she did, practically blocking my pace.

"How tall are you?" she said in a voice so southern it had to be forced
..... *blank eye contact*
"How tall are you? Like six...."
"About six four."
"Ahhhhhh see I was thinking like six four, six five."
....."yea. six four."
"see, i thought you were tall!"

this is where the ignoring comes in. i think about giving her a feigned quizzical expression to let her right herself but grow impatient and turn and walk away.

i'm not this way to people i know. at least i hope i'm not.


  1. who who? i have a person in my mind for the guy...but would like confirmation...

  2. You know the guy. The little man that makes more mistakes figuring your payout than Florida vote counters did in '00.
    The little man that tells you not to worry about paying your rent this month because, well, the mistake he made will get fixed sometime during the next 12 months - something your landlord/mtg company is OH so relieved to hear. You know the little man.
