Friday, February 20, 2009


So I realize this probably isn't funny unless you witnessed it, but you should've. I would've taken a picture, but it happened too fast. And I didn't have a camera.

Pulling in to the parking structure entrance to grab my parking stub, this hot shot in a three piece suit, greasy hair and a mustache (he may have had a pocket watch, too) stops mid-stride, having just seen the car in front of me drive through the raised mechanical arm, and gets a brilliant idea (presumably, "hey, screw the door, my bad ass is gonna cut through there").

There's a moment when he tries to walk in front of my car, but makes some grand, sarcastic jackass gesture for me to go first. Well, yea, it's a driveway, numbnuts. He stands behind my car while I take the stub and the arm raises. He starts swaggering in behind me, Mr Three Piece cuttin' the corners, when WHAM! The arm drops like 10 lbs of reality right on his head and levels him.

I don't know if he was ok, I presume he was. He eventually reappeared in my rearview mirror, spinning around to somehow play it off as intentional and see who watched. No one did. Except me, hackling like an 80 year old chain smoker. Sucker.


  1. oh man that is way too funny. i really wish i was there. but i have a question, why didn't he just exit through the pedestrian exit 5 steps to the right?? oh man. too funny.

  2. I hope he didnt get any blood on his stripped shirt...
